Saturday, April 14, 2012


How to survive Tuesday 13th

For those who suffer from friggatriskaidekaphobiaTuesday 13th is not a day to leave the house.
For those not suffering from this phobia (or not even sure how to pronounce it), Tuesday 13th, as everyone knows, is deemed as a very unlucky day to do anything.
If you do need to leave the house on a Tuesday 13th, here are our top 5 green tips to dodge the bad luck and invite the good stuff round instead.

1. Don't walk, cycle

To avoid running into any black cats on your way or walking under ladders by mistake (triple bad luck on this inauspicious day), why not just take your bike everywhere today? No one puts ladders in the middle of the road and any cat worth it's whiskers knows not to hang about on the dotted line.
You will also avoid walking over any cracks in pavement.

If you really can't avoid walking today, then make sure you have a stick or piece of wood in your pocket in case you come across any midnight moggies hanging around the window cleaners.

2. Do all your recycling

A little known fact about Tuesday 13th is that you get extra bonus karma points for doing all your recycling. This is doubled again if you make dinner using your leftovers. No chance of tin opener mishaps, you see.

3. Take the stairs and get even fitter

Someone on the stairs is meant to be unlucky. So if you find yourself in this predicament today, simply walk down or up with whoever is trying to pass you to whichever floor they are headed. Then once they're there, start again. Granted it might take you a while to get to floor 23 or wherever you're going but not only will you avoid bad luck, you will also get a much better work out. Taking lifts today is definitely not an option.

4. Old shoes good, new shoes bad

Anyone who has seen Blood Brothers: The Musical knows putting new shoes on the table is a no no for pleasing Lady Luck. So instead of going shoe shopping today and risking all sorts of bad luck by resting your shopping on a table, Stick With What You Got and wear a pair of shoes you've not put on for ages. If you spot a single magpie today, don't worry. Just pedal after it until he hooks up with a mate. Then it'll all be okay.

5. Do not open an umbrella indoors
There are never any clouds inside. Ever. Trust us.

By now, I am sure you all know that I have changed Friday 13th to Tuesday 13th because we studied many superstitions last year in British Culture and you all know that in Britain it is Friday the unlucky day.                                                                                                         Gemma


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