Friday, April 20, 2012



We must recycle in the street, the same as in our house. To recycle in the street, we have to throw the rubbish in its container.
In Barcelona there are five types of containers:

1.      Green:

in this container you can throw:

- Glass, glass bottles of any color, glass jars, flasks of preserves, bottles of perfume and cosmetics.

You can't throw:

- glass, auto glass, peret, mirrors, window glass, fluorescent tubes,
(To deposit these, inquire at the Town Hall)
Recommendation: Remove the lids of glass bottles before taking them to the container.
2.      Blue:

In this container you can throw:

- Newspapers and magazines, Propaganda, small cardboard boxes (biscuits, detergent), cardboard packaging for eggs, paper bags.

You can't throw:

- Bricks, diapers, dirty papers o axed, plastic or metallic paper.

3.      Recommendation: Fold the cardboard before placing it in the container. Do not leave boxes outside the container.

4.      Yellow:

You can throw:

- Meta-metal Packages: cans of drinks, cans canned, sprays, aluminum trays and dishes, Plywood and metal rims.

- Bricks: Bricks of milk, cream, smoothies, juices, wine, broth …

- Plastic packaging for food: Cartons of milk, cream, smoothies, juices, wine, broth..., bottles, cans of milk products, Polystyrene trays and boxes, of eggs; plastic cups, plates and plastic cutlery to use and carry, lids and caps, plastic, etc.

- Plastic containers for cleaning products: Plastic containers of cleaning products

- Bags and plastic and aluminum packaging: plastic food bags, aluminum bags and containers for food, plastic bags, containers of deli products, plastic wrap, transparent polyethylene film or aluminum, plastic and aluminum packagin

You can't throw:

- Organic matter, glass containers, paper and cardboard, Toys, Appliances, bottles, rubber gloves, utensils, kitchen, fruit boxes, buckets, plastic batteries

 Recommendation: Clean the containers and esclafe'ls to reduce its volume before throwing them into the container.

 4.      Brown

In this container you must throw the organic matter, such as: food scraps, used paper towels, cork stoppers ...
5.      Grey

In this container you can through everything that you can't throw in the other containers.


Patriciagf said...

Very fun video, recycle girls!! :) (and the others too!)

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